Sunday, November 4, 2007

am i a bad dog owner?

Freddie has changed a lot lately. He used to be the dopey sweet puppy. Last week when I took them for a walk, they met two dogs along the way - without leads on. The owner was a little boy. He had one of his dogs on a loose lead that pretty much rendered the lead useless when the dogs saw us. Rosie, being Rosie, immediately tried to assert dominance, and Freddie followed suit. Suffice to say, both of my dogs ended off without their leash running around the neighbourhood while I picked myself back up from the dirt. They both pulled too hard for me to control. My arm ended up hurting for 2 days.

Since then the bf has been walking them. Anyway, when I was trying to get my dogs back, I had freddy by the collar and was inching up slowly to Rosie. By this time, both dogs were ok, and were just happy checking each other out. Then just as I'm about to get Rosie, Freddy snarls at the other dog (!!!)

I'm thinking, WTF. Where did my sweet lovely boy go?

Rosie in comparison has become such a sweet dog of late. Always comes up for cuddles. And last weekend when I walked them, and insisted they sit, she sat, while Freddie pretty much ignored me. I was dumbfounded. I know we haven't been to puppy training classes lately, but really, this was ridiculous.

It wasn't just me either. The boyfriend noticed it too. He was commenting when he walked them that Rosie was a lot more responsive. Freddie just totally ignored you and did his own thing.

And it doesn't just stop there. I was in the living room last night with the two dogs - I'd just walked in the room - and Freddie suddenly just snaps and snarls at Rosie. It was REALLY scary. You've seen his fangs. I immediately sent both of them outside. I was so shaken. It's made me a bit wary of petting him because I'm scared one day he'll turn on me. And I can't beat those teeth...

This morning I'm out in the garden and Freddie catches a bird. Because the bf caught Fred get another one yesterday and yelled them inside, I did the same and tried to catch Freddie's attention. Look, I know birds get eaten all the time, but it's one thing to know that, and another to have it done in my face, by something that I know and love. Later on in the morning I'm hanging out the laundry and I hear these squawks. Freddie's got another. Rosie hears the commotion and goes back down too. By this time I've given up.

My dog's chased down a bird and has eaten it all up =S

My dogs are carnivores. I know, I know, that's what dogs do. I can't expect to be a dog owner and just have a santised version of their lives. I have to accept that it's in their nature.

But it worries me.

So it looks like we're going to desex Freddie after all. I don't know if I can handle this big dog who nearly yanks you off his feet just by loping over to the tree to mark his territory. I know it's probably just the hormones and it might well pass. But I can't deal with it atm. Does this make me a bad owner? He used to be so docile, trotting along beside me. Sure he'd chase after the birds on the field, but he never got one. And I was happy about that.

Course you could also argue - how dumb are those magpies not to fly off? I noticed the first one this morning, just sort've lay there pretending to be dead. I mean, that won't stop him.

Have I been a bad owner? I feel a little betrayed. Where did my sweet puppy go? And it's so ironic atm that I'm preferring to spend my time and attention on Rosie. At least with her, we always knew what we were getting. And she has definately mellowed over time. Makes me wonder why her owners left her. I doubt their argument that they bought a new house without fencing is a real reason. She's so sweet. I know she's a bit of a troublemaker. But at the end of the day, she comes to you 9 times out of 10 when you call her. She sits up straight and tall for dinner. And she'll sit patiently at your feet, leaning at you a 45 degree angle for as long as you want her to.

I still can't believe he caught the bird and ATE IT.

*shakes head*


  1. I don't think your a bad dog have a good dog that has gone bad. too bad you couldnt get a hold of The Dog Whisperer..Ceasear Milan to rehabilitate Fred. he always says dogs need discipline first then love and affection. hopefully desexing will calm him down some.  good luck!

  2. I don't you're a bad dog owner either. Maybe it's his raging hormones...

    I see my cats eating up birds all the time. No wait, they don't eat them, just catches them, and the birdie dies out of shock. Then my cats play with it....plays with it! Eeeekkk.. :-/

    Good luck with the desexing, maybe that would work out for the better.

  3. I suspect that the raging hormones have something to do with this. I think you would be doing both him and yourself a favor if you had him neutered... then he'd be less frustrated and you would have less "destructive behavior" to worry about. I know some people are against it but I am all for it because I would rather have a calm, relaxed happy dog than one with too much pent-up energy and frustration.  I am a HUGE fan of Cesar Millan (Dog Whisperer). Like Simone said - the priorities are: 1. Exercise 2.Discipline and then 3. Affection. When I was fostering George, I felt like a bad "mommy" because he was always destroying stuff and even did a poo on my bed. I was tearing my hair out... and then a friend  sent me this link  <-- (NILF Training philosophy). It's very similar to the way Cesar Millan communicates with dogs. HTH! It helped me a bit but I need to get my shit together and be more consistent...

  4. well so far he's back to normal, so we didn't get him neutered. and these days he seems pretty calm if sometimes naughty. i think in that case, i was also very tense and fearful and some of that came across. (i also watch dog whisperer).
