Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Fred Swim and other interesting chronicles

See the red circle? They're allll the way over there...

So this is a huge thing, because in the last 18 months that we've owned Freddie, he has stayed away from the water. The last few times we tried, he just stood on the shore and refused to go in. And his weight and size being what it is, we couldn't convince him otherwise. But somehow or other we managed to trick him in, and since it was such a hot day, it ended up that I think he rather enjoyed his little swim.

Here are some earlier pics taken before the Freddie Swim.

Here he is with my nephew-to-be.

I like the second pic when Fred is getting patted, and he looks up as if to say 'Oh gee, that's really nice! Thanks!'

That or he's asking if he can have a sip of that glass of champagne on the bench.

All these pics of Fred's tongue hanging out makes me wonder if he's just super thirsty.

I really like this pic too, because his fur just kinda blends into the grass.

And finally, here is Freddie wishing you a very good Seasons Greetings*:

* NB: I am not held responsible for this pic.


  1. yeah, Fred's getting bigger and growing into his looks. But he sure is handsome.

    it was stinking hot at home last night. i ended up going to bed around 11 and just lying there. Fiance was busy with work, so Freddy got bored and came into the bedroom to keep me company. The bed's low enough so that when I lie down and he sits down he's about eye level. If anything he might be slightly higher.

    And he just sit there and looks at me. Sooooooo cute.

    Oh, so it's all JRTs that love to swim? Harry's a real trooper. He actually swam twice that day.

    First he went with us, and had to be rescued by one of the kids because he was getting caught in a really strong current, and they were worried he'd be swept out to sea. Not that I think he would've noticed. LOL.

    Then after he spent some time with the neighbours, and went out again!

    Fred in comparison came back, after the fiance noticed his swim shoes kept on getting caught in the sand, as he tried to keep Fred out of the strong currents. I can't imagine how difficult it would've been to drag Fred back if he got caught, considering Freddie is probably over 30kgs now.

    But not to worry, we'll make a water dog out of Freddie yet!

  2. We originally wondered whether self preservation stopped Fred from swimming (big heavy mass of dog in water that is deep enough so that he can't touch the bottom), but we were pleasantly surprised when he only half resisted getting dragged in this time.

    Rosie hates water also. She didn't go in mainly because when I went to put her on lead she thought she was getting a wash (and she hates getting washed) rather than going out to have fun. Having said that, after we wash her at the Fiance's mum's place she usually runs under the house and gets covered in cobwebs as a way to prove that the washing didn't help.

    Well this time around, after Freddie got his swim and was washed down, Rosie was forced to succumb to a washing, and then tied to the verandah. So she couldn't proceed to run under the house and get dirty again. Ha! Take That!!

    Yeah, he watched for a little while while I scratched his tummy, and then I got too sleepy and went to sleep. I'm pretty sure he just turned around and watched the door, guarding me. I love that dog.

  3. eiwwwwwwwww..... how dare he go and roll in a cow pat? don't they realise that it just means they will get washed AGAIN? lol

    Yeah, Fred's a good dog. He follows me around everywhere. There have been times where he's tripped over himself following me as I rush around the house, going from lab to computer and back again. He'll do a 360 and then go, huh? where did she go?

