Tuesday, April 8, 2008

dogs and games and beds

Going through my computer I came across a whole bunch of photos that I hadn't uploaded. There's quite a number of funny ones.

Take this candid shot for example...

Here is Rosie on the left looking forlornly out to sea. Of course the irony is that while she may look like she wants to go out there, in reality she doesn't really.

She'll put her feet in the shallows because she's curious and wants to sniff. But any further and she's gone.

While trying to drag Fred into the ocean is like trying to drag huge boulders of stone. It's not possible.

I think the pic below is so sweet. Little Harry (the bf's mum's dog) watching Freddie as he romps his way home, while Rosie stands in the back watching in case something happens. lol.

But they all look happy like a little family. Awww...

Playing Dodge!Fred

These are also some cool photos of the doggies running around. I love how Rosie is practically horizontal in the first pic, and how she stops herself short in the second pic. She almost looks like she's leapfrogging. And Freddie's in half bound...

Here is another sweet photo, with Freddie sitting back while Rosie tries to get his attention to play.

Awww... all I seem to be saying is "awww..."

Isn't that the sweetest photo of Rosie? I sense another Awwww coming on..

Taking a break

I think this was taken after Freddie was washed. His fur's standing on end, which it's prone to do after he's been washed. He's got that worried look on his face again. And his ear looks funny all turned back like that.

Now whenever you go out playing, you have to remember to stay hydrated. Here is Freddie being a good boy and taking a moments to catch some H20.

I think that the 'string' dangling from Freddie's mouth is actually a stream of water. I say this mainly because in the first pic there are 2 'strings'.

I LOVE the third pic though. The look of his face and his tongue. hee hee hee

Rosie and Harry

Just FYI, Rosie doesn't usually play with other dogs. She plays with Fred - but only when she feels like it. With Harry she usually doesn't bother playing at all - especially not in the beginning. She only ever warms up after a while. This is later in the afternoon. And it's so sweet how she gets down to his level to play.

and back to the mystery of the missing futon

Now remember last time when I was bemoaning the loss of the futon?

I found some more pics including the new 'bed' that I made them before it got destroyed.

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