Monday, March 30, 2009

naughty rosie.. tsk tsk tsk

It's all starting to sound a bit like a broken record.

I finally got around to getting some balloons on the weekend. I had read that one way to discourage dogs from digging was to put balloons full of water into their holes. I filled up about 5 balloons and dumped them into the deepest holes. We'll see if anything happens.

I spent the evening craning my ears to see if I could hear a splosh of water and a yelp of surprise. No such luck yet...

On the weekend I also noticed, that since the garden was now fence free, the dogs went wandering to their heart's content. This meant more dog poo on my veggies, and some very deep holes along the fence..


A fence was dutifully put back up, and restrengthened. We shall see if she manages to get over this time. And of course there are balloons in those holes now... *holds breath in anticipation*

On Saturday night, I noticed Rosie was getting quite antsy. Kept on moving around the living room. I called her over to encourage her to just chill out with the humans. She'd come over in my direction, never looking me in the eye, do a semi circle, before turning away to wander again. I'd call her back and she'd do the same thing. It was like she was refusing to come when called. Husband ended up sending her back outside. Although I'm not sure she knew it was for her insolence of refusing to acknowledge me.

Last night after I let them in, I caught her craning her neck over the coffee table in order to sneak some food off the table. If there's one big no no in our household is that you don't beg for food or steal it off tables. She got immediately reprimanded and sent back outside again. She hasn't done that in a while, or at least gotten caught for eating off the table in a while. I had actually thought she'd learnt that particular lesson.

The husband is getting a little short tempered at Rosie, and it's not foreboding very well for her stay with us. He's been mentioning quite often lately that he wasn't sure getting her was the right thing. I'm half and half about it. Her antics don't impact me as much, mainly because 1. I don't do much in the garden so don't really appreciate all the mess and damage she creates, and 2. she has yet to run away from me on a walk. I've had her not respond, but never to the point where she just ran off into the bush and I couldn't find her. Then again, I don't do 'exciting' walks with her. We just do a few laps of the oval. Whereas the husband takes the dogs out to roaming the countryside.

As a result of Rosie's antics, Freddie got to spend the night with us again. Boy that boy sheds a lot of hair... I only just vacuumed that bedroom floor the other week.Not that you would know it, looking at that floor.. *shudder*

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