Tuesday, April 21, 2009

My what big dogs you have, Mister!

It's hard to believe that we've had our doggies for close to 2 years now. I was going through some old photos online the other day and came across this: 

This was Freddie's mugshot at the Pound. They had it up on the Pound website, warning that he was on deathrow.

This was the first pic I ever saw of Fred. And I recall me looking at it nonplussed, reading the description and thinking "wolfhound? What on earth is a wolfhound??" Famous Last Words

Now compare that sad little face to:

He's not as thin in the face now, and he's certainly filled out a bit. I don't think he'll get any taller, but he's certainly long and solid.

Below is a pic of Fred eating his breakfast. He actually doesn't look as intimidating eating as he does when he's lying on the ground, all stretched out. You tend to forget sometimes what a big mass of a dog he is. But that certainly doesn't stop me from loving him. Big dogs are the best, I reckon. You can thump them to your heart's content. You can be as rough as you like, and he they just don't feel it. If anything, they look at you asking for more.

I got these two pics today from a cd of pictures that my cousins took when they came over to stay.

They get fed the same amount of food once in the morning and once in the evening.

They usually get a walk when we come home from work, and by the time we have dinner and settle down, it's long enough between exercise and meals for the doggies to have their dinner.

After which, if they are lucky, they get to come inside to spend some quality time with the Human Boss.

Below is a pic I snapped of them in the study. This is still their favourite room. If I'm the only one at home and am busy with other things (i.e. not in front of the tv) the dogs will wander into the study and sleep in there. I think perhaps it might be because it's the only room they are allowed access to that has carpet - i.e. it's comfortable for them to sleep/lie on.

Before the dogs are let in, they are required to do a sit. I do this to encourage them to recognise that being let inside is considered a privilege that they must be polite about. One night as the husband went to let the dogs in, Freddie had been busy chewing on his bone. Apparently when he realised that he was being allowed in, he did a double take and spat out his bone before hurriedly going into a spit. I can just imagine how comical it would have been to see a big 40kg dog spit out his bone in order to get inside.

Freddie's not as fastidious with me though. When I went to let him in the other night, he wanted to take his smelly bone which was covered in dirt inside with him. I had to make him drop it, but it still took two goes before he understood and came inside without the bone.

Lately we have started letting both dogs stay in our bedroom at night. It's interesting watching the dog power play.

It used to be Fred was the only one allowed in, and he would sleep beside me.

When Rosie was also allowed in, for the first few nights I noticed she would sleep at the foot of the bed guarding the door. However she soon began inching into Fred's territory. I'd wake up one morning and Rosie would be curled closest to me, and poor Fred would be pushed up against the wall. Don't get me wrong - there's plenty of floor space for both of them. Yet I found it amusing that Rosie decided that the best spot (since she is top dog) is nearest me, and hence pushed Fred out of the way.

Last night Rosie wasn't let in to sleep with us. I have no idea why - as I was already fast asleep before the dogs were. But after the alarm went off I went to put the alarm on snooze only to be woken up properly by Freddie sitting up and licking my arm.

He then watched him, with his tail wagging back and forth. When I indicated that I was going back to sleep he dutifully stretched out and slumped back on the floor.

When I finally did get up, I noted with amusement that he sat there watching me with his little adoring eyes. I like to pretend/think that he enjoyed the privilege of being with us without Rosie interfering.

I find it amazing how easily Fred relinquishes his life to Rosie. Be it best spot next to his Boss or letting her eat his meal.

I think I was reading something the other day about how when it comes to dogs, the female dog will always be Top Dog. That is certainly the case when it comes to Freddie. Poor ol' Freddie.

Thinking back though if nothing else we have managed to mellow Rosie down. Lately she has been a lot more affectionate, and whereas it used to be only Freddie would follow me around the house, I notice that sometimes when I get up to do something both dogs will get up and follow me.

Rosie of now is a far cry from Rosie of Yesteryear

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