Friday, May 6, 2011

Fancy Collars and Revisiting Paramours

Hi there, my name is Fred and I've got a brand new collar.

Hi there, my name is Elsie and I also have a brand new collar...

After going through three dog tags in the last six months I decided to be a little more creative in ensuring the safety of the pups and got some customised embroidered leather dog collars off Etsy. 

They look great on - my only thing about them is that I measured them a little big. Mainly because I measured lower on their neck than I should have. The only way around it is to feed them more so they'll get fatter. 

The collars are super durable and I can tell they will last a long time. I went to a lot of trouble (a few misunderstandings with the seller) to get them the way I wanted (dark leather, red nylon backing, red writing with tan stitching, serif font, etc etc) so don't really want to go through the whole rigmarole again any time soon. The collars have both their names and my mobile number on them so that if they wander off I can be contacted without the person having to squint at a very small engraved piece of metal.

Other than the sizing issue, I'm super happy with these collars. They're good quality, were a decent price (especially compared to my options in Australia) and they do the job while looking elegant at the same time. And if there's one thing I'm insistent on, it's that my puppies look elegant ;)

Elsie thinks so too..

Everyone's having a marvellous time at the moment although with the change in weather I'm noticing the puppies are moulting again. I was playing around with Fred's mohawk the other night and came away with fistfuls of fur (!)

Elsie's also giving as good as she can get and no matter how often I brush her I still come away with more doggy fur.

Here she is trying to ignore my comments and pretend that she hasn't heard anything.

I've discovered that Elsie is a surprisingly efficient footwarmer and most nights I find myself putting my cold feet under her belly or underneath her thighs and pretty soon my feet are toasty. 

She hasn't objected yet, although this photo suggests I should start looking into other ways to keep my tootsies warm.

Such a sullen teenager look..

She looks surprisingly big in this shot. When you think about it she's a decent size - not that you realise it when you put her beside Fred, or when you look over at night and she's curled up into a teeny weeny croissant.

Here's a great moving shot of her, I love how you can see some of that wolfie muzzle. And check out those ginger highlights. We didn't even see those when we first got her. I only saw them after I'd given her her first decent shampoo. Talk about being pleasantly surprised. So many women would kill to have highlights like that..

A few weeks back we also went and visited Elsie's paramour, Harry, for another love in.


Here is Harry licking his lips at the thought of meeting Elsie again:

However, despite last time's success, it was a rocky start with neither willing to speak to the other, 

 but eventually the ice broke and here is everyone having a good time

Well, almost everyone.

Her face says it all really.

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