Thursday, September 30, 2010


I came home last night and was met with this:


No dogs.

To say I was worried would be an understatement.

Elsie's dog tag hasn't arrived and although both have been microchipped there is still the possibility that either of them could have gotten hurt or shot while out wandering.

We live in a rural area full of sheep farmers and I have been told that farmers don't think twice about shooting down big dogs which could cause potential threats to their baby lambs.

My other worry was that they might've gotten hurt either on the property or swiped by wildlife, bitten by snakes. I'd gotten home just at dusk and although I did walk around and call for them, I didn't do a circuit of the entire property. 100 acres is a lot of land to cover at sunset. Especially if you don't want to be wandering in the dark.

I kept on imagining Freddie lying in a puddle of blood or gasping for breath in the middle of the bush and me not finding him. I'd planned to do a proper circuit of the property in the morning and still worried that I'd find him but then be too late to save him =(

I felt so worried and listless I cleaned up both the kitchen and the bathroom and wasn't in the mood for dinner.

Finally at 8.30 I heard a thundering outside and ran to the back door to be greeted by my two puppies panting happily.

*shakes head*

I'd come home early at 6 and sat at home waiting for 2 1/2 hours worrying my head off about those puppies.

I let them in and fussed over them but boy did they stink!

Upon further investigation I realised Freddie was the source. It smelt like stale urine around his head, neck, back and ears. It was almost like he'd shoved his entire body under either Elsie or a sheep while they were peeing. That or he rolled in it straight after it happened.

I also double checked their muzzles and coats but didn't find any blood. Much to my great relief. The last thing I wanted was to know that they'd been attacking wildlife/livestock.

Interestingly Elsie didn't smell although she definately felt a lot more dirty.

Based on time and my own energy levels I ended up just washing Freddie. I dragged him into the shower and did a proper wash. Although he resisted at first he ended up sitting quietly while I washed him and when we were done and I went to look for a towel, he actually stayed in the bathroom for a moment or two rather than running straight out. Of course he didn't bother shaking out the water in the bathroom and instead chose to do that in the hallway on the carpet. Typical dog.

I gave them a light supper and they both pretty much zonked out afterwards.

This morning I've tied them both back up onto their chains until hubby can come home and fix the hole properly. I hate tying them up even if they are on 9 and 6 metre chains. But it's for their own good - especially since they're trying to escape.

I thought that desexing Fred would stop him from wandering but it seems I was wrong.

The Grand Plan is to eventually save enough money to get a solar electric fence but money is tight at te moment, ironically because we spent so much on getting the puppies desexed and buying Elsie in the first place.

Until that money can be saved though, unfortunately they'll have to stay on those leads during the day.

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