Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Wolfhound - a - plenty

When I went looking for a second companion dog I'd subscribed to a number of pounds and pet rescue sites. After we got Elsie I started unsubscribing.

Yesterday I got an email in my inbox from the Queanbeyan Pound where I'd gotten Elsie. It turns out I'd forgotten to unsubscribe to this one.

And guess what Queanbeyan Pound has? Another wolfie girl!

What are the chances?

I've been on that mailing list for over a year and Elsie was the first wolfhound x they'd had all year. And then suddenly within a fortnight, here's another!

PHDYAOLCQSHYou can click on the picture to see her full details on the pound website

And she's ten times more wolfie looking than Elsie! Much more solid looking too! She's listed as a year old, which suggests that she might be even younger!

Of course she doesn't have the same colouring as Fred and Elsie, but she's definately got that wolfie look I was after.

She was found wandering I think, on the Monday and won't be available until next Monday. Interesting the comments only say that she's a gentle natured girl. Whereas Elsie had 'Lovely social girl with a gentle nature'. Does this mean that Elsie's better than this one? If nothing else this one certainly looks a lot more cared for. Makes me think/wonder if she had an owner and just wandered off the property.

I know I shouldn't be looking and I should be pleased with what I have. Especially since we can't afford to have another, and it would be total madness to have 3 dogs anyway!

And what's wrong with Elsie other than her not looking the way I originally wanted her to look? She's super sweet, likes us, is lovely and social with Fred and doesn't even growl at me when I get near her while she's eating food. She's super excited to see me be it first thing in the morning (she attacks me with licks and thumps her head on me pretty much at 6.30 every morning) and in the evening when I come home. Sure she's a bit lazy (doesn't always sit when you ask her to) and looks little like a mouse/rat (come on you know she does), but looks aren't everything. Temperment makes up for a lot.

I'm finding it interesting when I spend time with Elsie and then look over at Fred. Fred looks so much more... cartoonish and solid looking than her. It's like I have to recalibrate in my mind what I'm looking at. Odd isn't it? Perhaps it's because they have such similar colouring.

I bet this girlie doesn't stay in the pound long. She should get snapped up in an instant. That or her owners find her - after all she's only been in the pound for 2 days before they put her online. Elsie only got up there a week after she arrived. I'll be curious to see if this wolfie girl stays on the website for any longer than the 2 weeks before they update again. Especially since Elsie stayed up on the website even after we got her 2 days after she was put online.

Seriously though.. 2 wolfhounds in less than a month available at the pound - what are the chances???

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