Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Settling In

So despite all my worries last Friday, I came home relieved to find a very wide awake and happy Fred come and greet me.

Elsie and Fred have started getting to know each other better and have been either left outside in their pen to play or off leade while I'm in the garden. Each night they're now being let inside to sleep in the bedroom with us (previously Elsie was put in the laundry).


Funnily enough whenever I go outside Elsie will follow me, her head practically in my hand. Whereas Freddie follows at a more sedate pace behind.

Their wounds are healing, although Freddie still seems a bit lethargic. He seems to be a lot more affectionate although it could be my guilt talking. And fingers crossed he hasn't run off on the scent of something or gone exploring much.

Most of the time he just spends it at home.


Apparently on Sunday Elsie was trying to entice Freddie to play and all he was interested in was sitting on his bed.

On Saturday morning I let them out into the pen and when I went to check on them later, this was what I saw:


I think it's so cute that they're not facing each other.

Elsie has started rolling on her back and exposing her tummy for cuddles. Reassuring for me as it means that she feels safe enough to expose her belly and acknowledges that we're the bosses. Rosie hardly ever showed her tummy to us.

It's funny, having had a problem child/dog like Rosie and then suddenly being faced with a sweet tempered girl like Elsie has made doubly appreciative of what we now have.

Hubby watched in awe as the puppies got fed the other night. "Look at that! No growls, no dramas. Just normal dogs eating their dinner!"

Rosie used to growl at Fred and not let him eat until she had eaten. And let's not forget those 48 hour starvation periods where she refused to eat (and by default wouldn't let Freddie eat), just to prove she was superior.

We've started giving Elsie a bit more food now that she's on the mend. The other morning we caught her eating out of Fred's bowl. Both had been given some bones and he'd been a bit slower to finish. She had already gulped down all of her food and proceeded to eat his. I caught her a bit late (I wasn't paying attention) and I have a bad feeling she ate his last painkiller tablet =( naughty girl.

 Here is a sweet photo of the pups on the verandah admiring the view...

Elsie: "Gosh check out the view!" Fred: "Huh? Yeah, it's ok"

This is a very funny picture. Elsie seems to have a particular liking for the slopes. And Freddie looks like he's a bit miffed to discover she's taken his spot.

Fred: "Ah damn, I can't believe it, she's still there! I want my spot back!"


I love this pic. It's like Freddie's praying to the gas tanks like if they were gods.

Fred: "Please, make me an only puppy again. She's nice, but she keeps on taking my mum's attention/affection from me!"

Here's Freddie looking all concerned again. If anything, he looks a bit sulky!
Fred: "What is that girl doing???"

This one's also very funny. You can almost hear the conversation.

Fred: "Gosh she smells"    Elsie: "Hrmpff. Just you wait, fella"

Speaking of smells, Hubby gave Elsie a proper bath on the weekend, right down to 2 lathers with soap. She's come out squeaky clean, smelling lovely with big fluffy hair. She's definately a lot lighter than Freddie in colouring and a lot more grey in her coat. Although you can still see the tips are red along her back.


This was an accident shot, but I somehow managed to catch her tongue. lol



I was looking at Freddie yesterday and noticed that his muzzle is actually getting quite white. I don't seem to recall him having that much white before? Or am I just imagining things? He's only 3 and 1/2 so he's not that old, but I definately noticed the white on his brows and face.


Freddie's still as cute as ever, sitting for the camera.


and Elsie's not too bad herself!

 I was gardening the other afternoon and happened to look across to see where the puppies were. I laughed to see them. Both lying down watching me, but with Freddie at the back in his usual spot and Elsie in the middle of the yard.


Elsie has learnt pretty quickly to sit pretty for the camera.


Previously she'd come up to inspect but these days she just watches. She's definately not as camera shy as Freddie was when he first came to us.

Doggy yawning photos are the cutest. Check out her eyes all squeezed up tight and her bitty teeth!


Here is one of my favourite pics. She's found a spot near the gas tanks and you can see by the crushed grass that she's gone and made it all comfy.

I swear from certain angles she looks a little like a rat/mouse. I think it's the longer nose and smaller ears that make me think that. But anyway - how sweet is this pic??


Here is my other favourite. She looks so angelic. LOL. God knows what mischief she's brewing inside that pretty little head of hers!


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