Friday, September 24, 2010

Queen Elsie and her put out Squire Fred

Just digging through my photos and found some funny ones I took on Tuesday when I was at home to keep an eye on her after her desexing.

The vet had requested she keep her elizabethan collar on to stop her from licking the wound and chewing out the stitchess.

Here's what Elsie thinks of this idea:


She looks a bit scary, doesn't she? Based on this pic, hubby reckons perhaps we should've called her Elizabeth.

This is one of the cutest pics I've got of her so far. Perhaps when she puts on a bit more weight you can see the potential cute factor go up a notch or two:

Elsie8Don't mess with me! I am scary and brutish even if I have a cute nose..

That or she's just speaking Pirate.

It's funny, looking back at the older pics of Freddie - he wasn't exactly super cute either when we got him at 6 months. So perhaps once she fills out we'll see more of her wolfie side. I certainly hope so.

Is it bad of me to get second thoughts? Is it bad of me to wish she was cuter? It's not the looks that count, right? It's wonderful that I was able to get her out of the pound, and it's great that I can give her a home. So why am I getting second thoughts? Am I just still smarting from the last dog scare?

Here's Elsie a little nonplussed that she has to continue wearing her collar:


Elsie12I wonder what she's looking at all the waaaay up there on the coffee table.


Oh, she's heard something. Least she's got nice floppy ears =D

Here's another funny one. I love how you can see Freddie in the background "just watching". Poor boy.

Here's the boy caught under the coffee table. He looks a bit suspicious, as if he's been caught drinking beer (note the beer bottle cap on the tiles)


But here is my favourite of all so far:

I don't remember when I took this pic, but if you ever wanted to know what a sulky put out wolfhound looked like, here it is!


  1. It's funny because your dogs remind me of mine- Freddie reminds me of our beagle, Sully. The boxy face and puppy-like looks, also the super sweet personality. Elsie reminds me of Jack (JRT) even the way she's really furry on the body but has the skinny legs.
    Elsie may turn into a beauty. Sully was THE UGLIEST puppy- hubby picked him because he thought no one else would take such a pathetic looking thing- and he's the cutest dog. As with real children, fur babies have their own personalities and you like certain traits in each. I love that Jack is a good watchdog, quiet and smart. But he's a bit neurotic about thunderstorms & the UPS truck. I love Sully for his lovable face & personality but hate how loud he is- especially since he gets more vocal about a dog visiting than a human. He's not very bright so you can't get him to stop anything. LOL

  2. It will be with great interest that i see how Elsie develops. The nurse @ the vet reckons Elsie is going to fill out a bit.
    I've yet to see whether or not Elsie will be a good watchdog. Last night hubby came home and she went up to greet him.
    I think she's not as dependant on humans as Fred is. She definately seems a little brighter.
    It is nice to have a dog that's easy to control though. Fred you have to use all your strength to walk him if he gets sidetracked. Elsie on the other hand you can just drag along with you.
    She was trying to run on lead the other day (she got distracted by Fred) and she flew up in the air because i yanked her back. So funny!
