Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Best of Friends

So the dogs are learning what it's like to live in our household. I took them for their walk last night, and while Rosie was still tearing at her lead to walk faster she eventually calmed down (we walked slightly longer this time). At one stage, I was able to let her walk with the entire lead out. Fred's still being a good boy and trotting at my side.

It was quite funny when we fed them too. Both have learnt (although Rosie always knew) to sit for their food. When I peeked out, both were sitting down patiently waiting. So cute!

Fred no longer needs to be dragged into his bedroom. He happily goes in, and is the first out in the morning.

What's the sweetest though? They share the same bed =D Soooo sweet. The bf told me when he sent them to their room, they both went onto the same bed to sleep. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

I also find it interesting that Fred has now taken over the new bed. They must've come to some kind of agreement? Or maybe all my cuddles (Fred first) have changed their mind, and Fred is now Top Dog? Dunno. Or maybe Fred's just winning all their games?

I let them in last night, and it was obviously the wrong thing to do. I didn't realise at the time they were in the middle of a game. Because when I went to the door, they stopped what they were doing, and Rosie made a beeline for me. Little did I know. The minute they both got in, they started playing. So I sent them back out. BF let them in about half an hour later, and Rosie was still hyped up. Would get down low, ready to pounce kind of stance, while Fred went for the Neck Bite. He loves the Neck Bite. So they were sent out again. Funnily enough, after that they quieted down and just sat on their beds. *shakes head*

We eventually let them in again, and Fred went off into the dining area to sleep. He actually sulked for quite a while. I think he still wanted to play, but Rosie made it clear she preferred sleeping at the feet of the Humans. Rosie prefers human company I think. She's settling in well. It's only been Day 3.

I hope that they don't mind that they only get 4-5 hours with us most days. At least they have each other for company. And they seem to adore each other. I tried to take a photo last night, but they moved when I went to get the camera =/  They were sleeping on the rug, with Rosie's head on top of Fred's....

I've never seen two dogs who didn't grow up together as puppies get along so well before. Sharing the same bed, cuddling, running around and playing...

The only time they seem to fight is when Fred sneaks in to eat her bones. LOL.


  1. My cat is 8 months and my boyfriend recently got a 4 month year old cat. They get along famously too, they groom each other and everything. Right now they're chasing each other up and down the stairs. I think it's great when animals can interact with other animals.

  2. [this is good] I LOVE Fred and Rosie's blog!! It's such a joy to see their pics. I have a soft spot for Fred. He's so so adorable! 

  3. Thanks Wern! =)

    Yes, i also have a soft spot for fred. i really shouldn't, since i now own 2 dogs, and i should share it equally. but fred is just TOO CUTE. that's not to say rosie is not sweet. she is. but she can't compete on the cuteness scale.

  4. LOL!! Don't worry, you'll do just fine! You're one doting mommy. Look at all the pictures of them! :p

  5. LOL. It's called an obsession Wern. Not necessarily healthy ;)

  6. But we love seeing Fred and Rosie!! So it's a healthy 'obsession' right? LOL!

  7. [this is good] Awww..look at both of them!! Such adorable dogs!! :)

    I like Fred's patches/colour...reminds me of my old cat (died years ago). She was spotty/streaky like Fred too!

  8. Hey susanna,
    i am obsessed too. is it unhealthy? I don't know!! LOL
    Love this blog! I like vox better than Myspace.

  9. Yes, I ended up going with Vox at the end, coz I just love the commenting and photo system. My Space looks like it's all run by bands and 12 year olds. Same for Live Journal.

    And Blogger's just a bit too advanced and limited at the same time. Sounds weird doesn't it? Well it's great for customising - but only if you know what you're doing. So this looked like the only real compromise I had.

    Now if I could combine Blogger and Vox? That'd be my perfect blogging medium =D

  10. So good to see that your duo gets along so well. I can't say that about Jack and Sully. They are both the same height- Sully weighs almost 10 lbs. more. Jack has the speed and agility. Neither can back down about who is the dominant dog between them so they bicker a lot. Sully has a huge bark and when he's ticked at Jack, he'll bark right into his ear! I am surprised Jack can still hear. It's funny because if Jack hears the front door unlock, he immediately runs around the house to it- well, Sully isn't so quick on the draw and then you just hear "Rowwww, Rowwww, Rowww," as he is trying to catch up. Jack outsmarts Sully. Like if Sully has a toy that Jack wants, he'll start playing with something else to distract Sully- because Sully always wants what Jack has. Then Jack runs and gets the other toy.
    I walked them this morning as soon as I could because it was already 80 degrees at 6 am. Said temp would be near 100. I took them on a shorter walk and they were happy to cut it short. I try to use the dog whisperer's advice about walking them- where they are supposed to be beside and not out in front. Then when I feel like letting them sniff and explore I stop and give them more lead. When I've had enough, I bring them back to my side and start walking again. Jack hardly ever pulls on his lead but Sully wants to sniff everything if I'd let him.

  11. i think the dogs haven't decided yet who is dominant.

    Rosie does the same thing to Fred - she wants whatever Fred has. If fred has a bone or a stick, she'll growl until he gives it to her. He's pretty laid back and will give. And just waits it out. Rosie has a short attention span. So the minute she's found something else, he'll go back.

    But the fact that Fred seems to be sitting on the new bed makes me wonder.

    Fred's also great on the lead. Will walk beside me the whole time unless he's excited (like last night). Rosie on the other hand tries to sniff out the whole time. She takes a while to settle down into the lead.

    that's hilarious about jack outsmarting sully.

    I think Rosie is the same as Sully in that all Rosie wants to do is sniff and explore. Fred's happy just sticking by our side. But then again he is a puppy. I'm just hoping Rosie only teaches Fred good habits and not her bad ones.
