Sunday, August 12, 2007

Many Gratuitous Shots of Fred and Rosie

So what usually happens every weekend is the doggies are outside playing and I feel compelled to go out and keep them company. Next thing you know, I've got the camera out and am happily snapping away. Usually it just starts with Fred giving me the most adorable look you've ever seen. And sometimes it's just watching them play with each other and do hilarious things like both chewing on the same stick.

Here is fred looking dufus'dly silly. In fact, he looks nothing like what he usually looks like.

The one on the left was taken while he was making

his way towards me, as he sniffed around the grass.

Here is a lovely shot of Rosie.
And another..

This one of Fred is very amusing. I found this big stick that was
in our yard (our dogs have a knack of finding things that we never knew
were there). atm, Fred LOOOOVES sticks. So I offered it to him. Look at
how he's chewing. LOL.

Freddie runnin' like a cheeta. He actually looks quite funny.

The last one is an amusing shot of Rosie. She reminds me of those
high class ladies who just chuckle politely at jokes, with their noses
stuck in the air.

Now there's been quite a lot of discussion in the household over Rosie's heritage. On her papers, it says Great Dane cross Bull Mastiff. But we don't see Bull Mastiff anywhere. So we decided they did it wrong, and she was actually a Staffy cross Greyhound. The vet argued yesterday that she did look slightly like a Great Dane, but also agreed that she could've come via our Staffy/Greyhound relationship also.

However, when you look at these last two pics of Rosie, She really does look like a Great Dane! In comparison, I have a number of pics (esp when you catch her 'wrong' side) that make her look like a staffy. *pulls hair*

It's fine either way, because bf really wanted a mutt (mixed with everything). And the important thing is that they get along =D Which they do.

Hrm, this pic didn't turn out the way I intended. This is Fred doing what he loves best - rolling around on his back. My favourite is the last one, where has all paws curled up.

Here is another set. This was soooo cute. Fred with a big stick.. hee hee

My favourite is the second last shot. So funny.

and here are a few more pretty pics of fred and rosie...

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