Sunday, August 12, 2007

Going to the Vet

Today was a big day.

First, was a visit to the vet. A new experience for us. Vet was slightly batty/dotty. Would stop in mid-sentence before going on to other things. Agreed that Fred should have a booster shot, and then just as he's about to put the needle in, goes, 'oh I guess I should check his heart rate and teeth too.' There were so many incidences of this, that the booster shot for Rosie lay unused on the table for quite a while (a good ten minutes) before she was even injected. Very amusing all around.

When he met the two dogs he immediately said, I'll just give them some treats so they'll like me. Ha! More like he didn't stop giving them treats. I gave Fred some liver treats (broken up into little pieces) when I was teaching him to sit. This man gave him a WHOLE piece of liver treat, and ten KEPT ON giving them. He gave like 3 or 4 servings. Followed by which he dug in a drawer and came out with DIFFERENT treats again. Yikes. I know they're big dogs, but somehow I doubt they're going to eat you if you don't give them treats. *shakes head*

We think he was probably a bit scared of them. I think he was also quite impressed about these two sweeties that we'd picked up at the pound. Everyone's always so impressed with Fred and his quiet calm nature. He just sat quietly beside us as he gave us information. To which he'd stop mid-sentence and go, 'gee he's a lovely boy.'

When his assistant came in to give him some files, he went all excited, 'look at these two big dogs! from the pound!' to which you could see her eyes roll to the back of her head. Both dogs of course had to come up and say hello. I think they scared her. LOL. She just muttered a yes under her breath and tried to get out of there as fast as she could. LOL.

What was more worrying was when the Vet was taking down Fred's details and asked me what colour he was. He's brindle. But like, I thought brindle was a colour that applied to all dogs. Not just wolfhounds. It concerns me that he doesn't know that as a colour...

When I was asking other questions about whether or not to desex Fred or not the Vet replied: "I don't know anything about Wolfhounds" =S

In general though he seems like a very nice guy - if slightly batty. A real character. LOL. I think we'll be back next year to get their booster shots.

Today was also the first day Fred and Rosie have sat in the new car. Fred jumped right on in, an absolute surprise, considering how we had to drag him into the passenger seat of our other car. Rosie on the other hand, struggled to get in. *sigh*

We also took the dogs out on a walk into the bushland. There was an old barbed wire fence along the footpath, and Fred decided to go over to investigate. It was a pain getting him back, because the fence only had gaps in some parts and not all. So we had to walk on either side of the fence for someways before we could get him back. And he wouldn't come, so bf had to physically drag him over.

Of course, not to be outdone, Rosie then had to do the same thing. We didn't realise and there was a good ten minutes when we thought, gee, we've lost her for good. Paid the Vet fees, got her vaccinated, and now she's gone off and done a runner.

We were heading back to the car when I spotted her on the other side of the fence. And while she answers to her name, much more so than Fred, she also insisted I go over to physically fetch her. *sigh*

When it got to getting into the car, she refused to get in. We had to fake leaving her behind before she agreed to come with us. She's like a 2 year old child throwing a temper tantrum. Oh wait, she is close to 2 years old. LOL.

*sigh* Such a troublemaker. I just hope Fred doens't take up all her bad habits.

Speaking of bad habits, I gave them both a bath this morning. Made my own doggie shampoo and then tied each one up individually and got out the bucket and went through each one. Fred was an absolute darling. Stood there patiently while I sudsed him up and rinsed him.

Rosie on the other hand.... the foster carer had originally told me that she didn't like baths or showers. She wasn't kidding. Even with the lead on her, she still shied away every time I poured more water on her. *Shakes head*

Well they definately feel soft and clean now. But my shampoo doesn't get rid of the doggie smell. I'm wondering if it's the Neem Oil I included in the shampoo. Either way, they still smell quite doggy. But in a good way I guess. We don't want to strip them of their natural smell. But at least their fur is nice and clean to the touch. Fred's hair was getting rather greasy.

So it's probably for the best they still smell like themselves and not artificial pot pourri, while still being clean.

Tomorrow the doggies are going to meet another family member. We're going down to the coast to visit bf's mum, who owns a little jack russell. I'm kind've excited at the prospect of them meeting. It'll definately be a laugh. Two big dogs, and one little jack russell terrier. =D I'm also interested to see how each dog feels abt meeting others. Especially Fred, and whether or not he socialises well.

Rosie should be fine. She's great at making doggie friends. She used to live with 4 other females at the foster place, and just spent her time getting constantly chased. Fred, who last time saw a little dog, ran, will be the interesting one to watch. =)


  1. Your vet sounds a nightmare, I would be worried if he were mine.  Fred is not an Irish Wolfhound, I know you refer to him as a Wolfhound so is it an American breed or is he possibly a X breed?

    Rosie is a beauty and they do indeed make a fine pair. You are very lucky to have two such fine dogs in looks and character.


  2. Thanks dogwoman. Your doggies are pretty too.

    I saw that post you had of those great dane puppies. OMG SOOOO CUTE.

    Fred is a wolfhound cross.

    I don't think the 'cross' meant much to the vet. LOL.

  3. Gee, Are you sure he's a real vet? If it were me I would've been freaked out and frustrated... I am one of these pet owners who likes to have a hundred questions answered, all the facts laid out in front of me, and I would've freaked out if the vet gave my dog treats not considering that he/she may have allergies or tummy sensitivities or be on a strict diet...

    Anyway, that last pic of Rosie is hilarious! Fred sounds like a dreamboat :)

  4. P.S. Sorry I was referring to the pics in the more recent post (the one after this) =)

  5. LOL. Yeah, he seems to be a vet. Get this, he even has animal skeletons on the wall. LOL LOL LOL

    I think he's actually more of a surgeon, which still worries me extremely. Can you imagine?? "right, so we make this incision here... why is he moving like that? Oh, I guess we should put him under aneasthesia first..." LOL LOL LOL

    Yeah, I was asking lots of questions. I started to realise pretty quickly that I should strategise when to ask. So like, if he's about to put a needle into the doggies, I wait till after he does that before I ask. *otherwise* he'll stop putting the needle in to answer my question.

  6. Boy, I have a lot to catch up on in Fred and Rosie's lives. Have to relate story. Our beagle that got stolen hated smelling like a nice clean dog. One day hubby bathes him and dog runs away. Comes back with cow manure (we are talking FRESH- like he waited under the cow for it to come out) all over his back. Sully hates baths and acts like you are killing him- he hunkers all up and looks pitiful. Jack doesn't exactly like baths but stands still and just lets you get it over with. 

  7. your beagle got stolen!?


    ick abt the cow poo.

  8. We lived in rural KY then and would let him run in the fields. Well, he never came home. We looked for him- even looked to see if he'd gotten hit which is really common for beagles because they are always sniffing. When my hubby mentioned our dog was gone at work, someone asked "What kind is it?" as soon as he replied "Beagle" the guy said "Oh, he got stolen then." Apparently during hunting season it is quite common to have hunting dogs stolen. My hubby was like "I'd let them take him hunting if they'd ask, but stealing a man's dog is just wrong!" Of course this beagle is legendary in his mind now- no dog can live up to Khiner. (Hubby named dog after a chess master.) 

  9. i can't believe ppl would steal a dog. that is so low.

    do you do microchipping there? that would ensure you always knew where your doggies were. or was this before microchipping? =D
